The training I received at IBC has been a great help in my pastoral ministry

John Kimber


The current John B. Craig Library was completed in September 2010 and has enabled the Irish Baptist College to provide a wide range of top quality theological resources as well as a suite of comfortable study areas upstairs for its students.

We have approximately 13,000 volumes with room on the shelves for another 2,500. Along the back wall we have a number of theological journals. There are certain shelves dedicated to books that are being used for assignments. We also have 5 study spaces located on the ground floor for disability access.

Books in library


Opening times:

The Library is open from 9am-4pm from Monday to Friday during term time but will not always have a member of staff present.

Library Borrowing Policy:

  • Undergraduates may borrow a maximum of 3 books for up to 2 weeks. 
  • Postgraduates may borrow a maximum of 6 books for up to 4 weeks. 
  • Visiting tutors may borrow a maximum of 6 books for up to 4 weeks. 
  • Nobody may take a book out of the library without first scanning it out in their name on the Soutron system. 
  • A book with a red sticker may not be borrowed.
  • Any books on the assignment shelves may be read in the library but must not be removed. When you are finished please place it back on the assignment shelf and do not leave it on the desks. 
  • In order to use the archives or borrow a journal please speak with the Librarian.  
  • Books may be recalled at any time at the discretion of the Librarian. 

Library Use Policy:

  • Pastors and members of Association Churches (and others connected to Association) are welcome to make use of the library during opening hours (Monday to Friday from 9am-4pm) but may not borrow books. There is a small nominal fee of £5 per month or £30 per year. 
  • Ladies’ Study Fellowship, Women's Discipleship Course and Evening Class students are welcome to make use of the library during opening hours (Monday to Friday from 9am-4pm) but may not borrow books. There is no cost. 


The Librarian – Claire McNabb

 Claire works from 8.30am-2pm during term time and is happy to help with any library related questions. 






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