BYE Teams

BYE Teams
The Baptist Youth Evangelism Teams have been launched and we want to encourage you if you're a young person to get signed up to go and share the gospel with children across our island. If you're older please be praying for, and encouraging Christian young people that you know to get involved. One of our students, Josh Brown describes his experience of a leading a BYE team last summer.
Over the summer, I had a great experience in Brannockstown leading a BYE team. I was there for an entire week serving Brannockstown Baptist by running a Holiday Bible Club in the area. It’s a small church, yet that does not portray the hearts of the people there. The team and I had a fantastic time planning and preparing for the children in the area. Overall, we had around 30 children sign up for our club, which was a huge encouragement to the team and church alike. Our club ran from 9am to 3pm, which was quite the task! However, the church was a brilliant support as they made many preparations in designing the church and the hall. As a team, we decided to have a time traveller/detectives theme; we jumped in our time travelling machine and went back to the time of Jesus, focusing on the Gospel of Luke. We were unsure if the theme would catch the children’s attention and worried if they would participate.
However, the kids absolutely loved it. It brought such joy to our hearts to see children who weren’t from church backgrounds get excited to explore the life of Jesus. The week was filled with games, songs, memory verses, quizzes, snacks, bible stories and a surprise visit every day by ‘Professor Time’! Of course, the BYE team would not have been complete without water balloons and wet sponges to end the week! At this point, it would be insulting not to mention the Brannockstown folk who gave us beds, food, and incredible hospitality. The church is full of gospel-centred people who radiate the love of Christ. Please pray for Brannockstown Baptist as they continue to teach the children God’s Word that they would see many of them entrust their lives to Christ Jesus.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’" Matthew 19:14