Commencement 2024 – Celebration and Expectation

Commencement 2024 – Celebration and Expectation
By Lynette Simpson
One of the highlights of the academic year in the Irish Baptist College calendar is the Commencement service.
This year members of the Management Committee, staff, students, family members and those who are keenly interested in and supportive of the work and life of IBC, met in Great Victoria Street Baptist Church, for the service of celebration and expectation. The evening was one of praise, thankfulness and anticipation of what God has in store for each of us as we seek to obey and serve Him in our different roles.
This year IBC welcomes 8 new undergraduate students, 5 full-time and three part-time students who will sit in on classes 2 days per week. The postgraduate intake is 5, all joining for 3-day modules periodically throughout the year.
September also sees the commencement of the new Foundations: Basics in Theology course. Much of the course is similar, covering a mix of biblical and theological topics taught in 4 different locations each week. The new structure allows more flexibility for students in that they can mix venues as well as modules in order to exit with an award of either Certificate or Diploma in Christian Education. Combining returning and new students on the course we currently have 89 enrolled for this year.
We were privileged to have Liam Garvie, Associate Pastor in Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh and International Director of The Pillar Network as our guest speaker. Liam spoke from Romans 11:33–36 highlighting God’s Mind and God’s Plan. Everyone present was encouraged to let everything that you learn this year about God astound you. Specifically, Liam emphasised:
- The depths of God’s knowledge being unfathomable: “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God” (v. 33).
- God’s plan of salvation: “How unsearchable His judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out” (v. 33).
It was great to see so many people join together for worship and fellowship. We are thankful to Great Victoria Street Baptist for their kind and generous hospitality in many ways, allowing us to use their building and for those who helped with AV, music and supper.
The evening is a great springboard as we step out into this new year at IBC.
If you missed the service you can watch it here.