Favourite Books of 2024

Favourite Books of 2024
Over the past couple of years we have asked our staff and students what they have enjoyed reading and have compiled a list for you. Here are their favourite reads (both Christian and secular) during 2024. Perhaps you’ll see one of them that you’d like to read too!
Man of Sorrows, King of Glory by Jonty Rhodes
The purpose of the book is to encourage Christians to look to the whole work of Christ’s ministry, not just his once for all sacrifice on the cross. Rhodes explores the life of Christ through a systematic lens. He structures the book around the two natures (Human and Divine) and three offices (Prophet, Priest and King) of Christ. Throughout, Rhodes shows how a better understanding of Christology deepens our relationship with Christ by showing how he relates to us, what he had done for us and what he is still doing for us.
Revival sent from God: What The Bible Teaches For The Church Today (Also known as When God Comes to Church: A Biblical Model for Revival Today) by Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr.
This was a re-read for me. A fresh and stirring examination of Old Testament passages on revival. The book is a little older but it is a timely reminder, as Ortlund puts it, not to neglect the them of revival.
The Licanius Trilogy by James Islington
I don’t normally read fantasy, but this three-volume fantasy narrative weaves together important themes of hope, justice, and patience. There were some good twists in the plot and a satisfactory conclusion. Different from my usual diet of books and therefore enjoyable.
R. R. Tolkien: Christian Maker of Middle-Earth by Jeremy W. Johnston
This was a very readable biography of Tolkien. Although it gives due attention to his writing and creative flare, it does so with a firm focus on his Christianity.
Christian Academic Writing: Twelve Practices and Principles for Becoming a Successful Writer by Benjamin L. Merkle and Adrianne Cheek Miles
While the title suggests this might not be a particularly engaging book, the content proves otherwise. This is a beneficial volume for anyone involved in writing of any kind.
No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions by Matt Rhodes.
This book surveys many of the recent trends in global mission, offering sound evaluation of popular contemporary methods as well as a "better way." This is a helpful book for all who are interested in church growth and discipleship, not only in cross-cultural mission but in all contexts.
Be Thou My Vision ‘A Liturgy for Daily Worship’ by Jonathan Gibson
Over the 31 days of the month this book gives shape and substance to daily worship through bible readings, creedal confessions and ancient prayers.
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin
This compelling work explores Lincoln’s remarkable leadership during one of America’s most tumultuous periods. By appointing his fiercest political rivals to his cabinet, Lincoln demonstrated extraordinary humility, vision, and strategic acumen, uniting a fractured Republican Party and steering the nation through the Civil War. The book illustrates how Lincoln’s ability to rise above personal differences and foster collaboration transformed adversaries into allies, cementing his legacy as one of America’s most revered leaders.
The Lord of Psalm 23 by David Gibson
A fresh look at a very familiar Psalm. Good to be reminded again of the truths of this Psalm which can suffer from over-familiarity. An easy read. The reader is encouraged to see the Lord of this Psalm and the truths behind each verse explained. Throughout the book we are reminded too that this Psalm does not stand alone but has “beautiful echoes of the exodus story”. A suitable book to be given as a gift to friends in all kinds of situations.
How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ By Ray Ortlund
Ortlund's book explores how the church can transform its beliefs (orthodoxy) into lived-out practices (orthopraxy), fostering a God-centred culture of repentance and renewal. Through vivid imagery, anecdotes, and a gospel-centred focus, it offers an accessible and inspiring guide to see how the gospel impacts our everyday lives.
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor by D.A. Carson
This book is an easy, heartwarming read about the life of Tom Carson, Don's father. It is filled with both encouraging and challenging glimpses into the life of a faithful, small-town pastor who longed to glorify God in his ministry and life.
'More Precious than Gold: The Fiery Trial of a Family's Faith' by John and Brenda Vaughn
The book is a true story about a pastor and his family in the US who experienced an awful tragedy. A simple accident involving a petrol can led to a fire in their home which resulted in the pastor's wife and 2-year-old daughter receiving severe burns, which took over a year to recover from with long term consequences. The story details how this family's faith was refined in this 'fiery trial', and by their own confession brought out the dross in their hearts and caused them to grow in their faith toward Christ. Not an easy read but a faith-stirring one.
Intercessor by Rees Howells
I can’t find the words to describe the power of prayer and the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit. This book is a challenge to all of the importance and discipline of prayer.
William Wilberforce—The Life of The Great Anti-Slave Trade Campaigner by William Hague.
The book gives the reader a very detailed and descriptive look into the lives of people and politicians of the times. He explains in detail the brutality of the slave trade and shows Wilberforce's morality in comparison to many of his fellow politicians. It was his Christian beliefs that drove him to think the way he thought despite the actions of others, therefore he desired "to turn Christian principles into political action".
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
This book is written by a psychiatrist with 30 years of experience specialising in trauma. In this book he reflects on his time working with patients and what he has learned. He delves into the intricacies of trauma and how it affects not only the mind, but uncovers how it effects the brain and body physiologically.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
I am fascinated by the mystery of the world of Narnia.
Addictions - A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel by Edward T. Welch
Exploring the theology of addiction, Welch offers some deeply practical help for anyone affected by addiction, whether family, friends, church leadership, or an individual struggling themselves. He presents some hard-hitting biblical principles, offers real life examples, and walks through some aspects of addiction which are not often considered.
The Expulsive Power of a New Affection by Thomas Chalmers
Phenomenal read though a bit dense at the start but if you push through the payoff is well worth it!
1 Peter (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) by Wayne A. Grudem
Exegetically rigorous but deeply devotional; Grudem seeks to stir your affections through right knowing, much like Peter does in his own letter.
A Hunger for God by John Piper
A book on fasting is probably the least likely pick for those in the reformed/evangelical camp but Piper helpfully shows the biblical warrant for fasting and the benefits of it, for the stirring of his people to hunger more for Himself!
Making Good Return: Biblical Wisdom on Honoring Aging Parents by Kathleen B. Nielson
A friend of mine gifted me this book. I’m so thankful for its wisdom. While it’s written from a North American context, the biblical instruction and practical wisdom that Nielson sets out applies to all ‘adult children’. Looking after aging parents brings its particular challenges – not least spiritual. As Paul instructs his younger co-worker Timothy in godly leadership of the church, he includes advice regarding the care of aging parents. The book’s title is taken from 1 Tim 5:4 - adult children are ‘to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God.’ It did make me think, also, of how we as local churches can better implement some of this biblical wisdom in our care of the elderly in our congregations.