First Year Reflections: Andrew Burke & Joshua Cunningham

First Year Reflections: Andrew Burke & Joshua Cunningham
Over the past few weeks we have introduced you to our first years students on the blog. We’ve asked them to share a little about themselves, how they came to the College and what you could pray for them. This week we have Andrew Burke and Joshua Cunningham.
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hello! I'm Andrew, happily married to Naomi. A Dublin native, I grew up in a bustling family of eleven children. With a background in Political Science and Geography, I spent the last five years in the insurance and tech industries before leaving work to study at the College and work for Ballycullen Community Church. Some of my interests include running, reading, writing and supporting Liverpool.
2. Why did you choose to come to the College?
Driven by a desire to receive quality theological training and deepen my understanding of God, I was drawn to the Irish Baptist College. I believe the rigorous academic environment and commitment to Biblical truth will equip me to grow in my knowledge of God and better understand how to serve His people effectively in future pastoral ministry, preparing me to lead with love, wisdom and grace.
3. What has been the best thing/things about it so far?
Some of the best things so far at Irish Baptist College have been the great learning environment fostered within the classes. The engaging discussions and insightful lectures have deepened my understanding of theological concepts, while the opportunity to connect with fellow students has led to the development of meaningful friendships as we encourage one another to serve God’s people.
4. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during your time so far?
Being at the College, with all the great learning and hanging out with everyone, I keep realising how much I need God in my life and for ministry work. It's humbling to be reminded constantly how much I need to rely on God for strength and wisdom, because apart from Him, I can do nothing. As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
5. What have you found challenging?
Returning to academic writing after a six-year break has been one of my biggest challenges. While the content is engaging, returning to searching for resources, structuring arguments, and citing resources has been an adjustment.
6. What can we pray for you?
Ask God to guide and sustain through the final weeks of term.
Pray for focus, understanding, and perseverance as I continue to learn and grow in my studies.
Ask God to deepen my faith and knowledge, and help me apply what I'm learning in practical ways.
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
Hello, my name is Joshua Cunningham. I’m a blessed man with a wonderful wife, called Vanessa, who keeps me right and a couple of small children (Amelia and Zaven) to keep me on my toes!
2. Why did you choose to come to the college?
I felt the call of God upon my life to preach the gospel ever since the Lord drew me back to Himself when I was 16 (a long time ago now, I’m 28 now). After serving the Lord in a number of ways over the years, last year I believed the Lord was calling me to go to the College and see how He leads for the future. The desire is for full time service. I can’t say I was initially joyous with the prospect of going to college after working on a 250-acre farm for 10 years but the Lord won out in the end and I obeyed! What has been the best thing about it so far?
I would say having the opportunity to set apart a significant period of your life to intense study of the Scriptures is a most blessed thing indeed. A good challenge for the mind and a refreshment to the heart for the word of God.
3. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during your time so far?
The same lesson I learned years ago and have to keep reminding myself as the years go on, that “without Me, you can do nothing” John 15:3. Without Christ, I cannot even so much as lift my head due to my own weakness and poverty but with Him, Christ gives me the enabling power that I need to do His will. This is a great lesson I remind myself now at the Irish Baptist College daily!
4. What have you found challenging?
Stuck between 4 walls, sitting down most of the day with books and pen in hand! It’s been a quite a different mode of life from running around on the farm, taking in the fresh breeze and hearing the bleating of the sheep. But the Lord gives more grace and I have known His help over the last months to transition into a different life.
5. What can we pray for you?
Pray for us as we’ve welcomed our latest addition to the family, my son Zaven. Pray that as a family of four the Lord would strengthen us in these days and cause us to know the way in which we should walk little by little, step by step, to follow the Lord Jesus. Thank you.