First Year Reflections: Samuel and Rhiannon

First Year Reflections: Samuel and Rhiannon
Over the next couple of weeks we want to introduce you to our first years students on the blog. We’ve asked them to share a little about themselves, how they came to the College and what you could pray for them. First up we have Samuel and Rhiannon.
Hi! My name is Samuel Thomson. I’m a member of Donaghadee Baptist Church, and I started the Preparation for Ministry course in September. I’m 24 years old—an okay musician, a slow runner, a bad golfer, and a keen but very inconsistent reader…and that just about sums me up!
I spent several years weighing up whether IBC was the right place for me. I had a desire to study theology when I left school but ended up studying music at Queen’s instead. After that, I wasn’t really sure what direction life would take, so I worked in retail and community pharmacy for a few years. I kept resisting the signs that God was leading me to study here. But after receiving advice from godly people, experiencing clear personal guidance through life circumstances, and attending an open day, I applied. God opened the door and removed every obstacle.
The community within the college is wonderful. Don’t get me wrong—learning more about God, being in His word every day, and growing in gifting are all incredible joys that I don’t take for granted. Yet, there is something special about our devotions, times of prayer, and moments of fellowship, where the sense of unity is tangible. Joined in worship of our God, we collectively fix our eyes on Him. Being surrounded by people with the same objective—to know God better, worship Him truly, and serve Him more effectively—is a privilege like no other.
My relationship with God has grown in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s true. College has a way of teaching you to lean on Him daily—for breath, for mental and physical strength, for guidance, and for provision. You quickly realise that you can do absolutely nothing by yourself.
I’ll admit that this process can be painful. There are many days when you wake up thinking, I can’t do this, I shouldn’t be here, I can’t see the way ahead. I have had (and continue to have) many experiences like that. Yet through each one, I have learned to treasure God more. You emerge stronger—not in your own strength, but empowered by the Savior who "has led you safe thus far" and will "lead you safely home."
I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I seek to continue growing in the coming years. The course is academically rigorous, which I enjoy, but balancing studies, opportunities to serve, and personal health—physical, mental, and spiritual—can be challenging. Please pray for my well-being as I seek both to be used by God and to grow in my usefulness.
My name is Rhiannon Wilson, and I am a member of Magherafelt Baptist Church. I have many interests such as wall climbing which is my favourite sport. I’ve always been an avid reader and I also have a deep love for music, especially singing and playing the piano.
My desire to fully surrender my life to God was nurtured through hearing the late missionary Maud Kells share her testimony and through my involvement in BYE Teams, which have been both fun and challenging. As I neared the end of my A-levels, I began contemplating my next step in life. I had applied to universities to pursue a degree in primary education, but I lacked peace about this decision. I had a desire to serve Christ and make Him known. After much prayer, reflection and a conversation with an elder in my church, I decided to step out in faith and apply to the Irish Bible College, declining my teaching offers. I felt that studying theology would deepen my love, knowledge, and understanding of God, while equipping me with the skills needed for full-time ministry. It was a leap of faith, trusting that God would guide me and provide the resources needed for this new journey.
Now that I’ve begun my studies at the Irish Baptist College, I am not only learning about theology but also growing in my relationship with God. I am discovering the depth of His Word and learning how to apply it in real-life situations. Throughout this process, I have felt a profound sense of peace and fulfilment, knowing I am on the right path—serving God and preparing for a future in ministry. Every class, every challenge, and every moment strengthens my passion for serving others and sharing the gospel. Though the road is not always easy, I am confident that God has called me to this path, and I am excited to continue walking in His purpose for my life. I am grateful for the support of my church, my family, and those who have walked alongside me on this journey. God is faithful, and I look forward to whatever He has in store for me in ministry. One of the greatest blessings of studying at the Irish Baptist College has been the opportunity to make new friends and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ from diverse backgrounds. Spending time in prayer, praise, and worship with them during morning prayer meetings has been an incredible source of encouragement in my daily walk with God.
As I mentioned, there have been both challenges and blessings. These include forming new relationships, moving away from home for the first time, and finding the right balance between study, placement, devotional life, and family. I would like to ask for your prayers. Please pray that God will help me manage my time effectively, and that the work I do will bring glory to Him. Pray that my walk with God will grow deeper and richer—not just in knowledge, but in heart. Pray that I will learn and grow through my service on the BYE teams, and particularly as I join an Exodus team to Romania this summer. Lastly, please pray that over the next few years, I will be equipped with the skills needed to serve God in a way that brings glory to Him and effectively reaches others.