Friends of the College 2021 Update

By Claire Moorcroft
Friends of the College 2021 Update
Unprecedented times. Strange days. The most challenging months. These phrases have become all too familiar over the past year. Whilst they ring true for us, God has not been taken by surprise by Covid-19. It has not been a challenging or strange time for him, he remains in control, on his throne, working all things for our good and his glory.
Online Teaching
As friends of the College we wanted to give you an update on how College life has looked over the past few months. Due to the current regulations, which came in to force on 26th December 2020, the second semester classes have been entirely online. This is not what any of us hoped for, but by God’s grace both staff and students use Microsoft Teams for study, prayer and devotional times together. We are hopeful that the students will be back in the building before the end of the semester but are unsure as to the exact timing. Please pray for continued motivation and perseverance for the students; it is difficult to sit alone at a screen all day concentrating on classes and then sitting at the same screen writing essays and sermons. Pray too for the staff as they adapt to the best and most engaging ways to teach online. Despite the challenges technology can bring we are very thankful for the provision of it.
Open Events
We held our Open Day online with two Zoom presentations: one at lunch (1-1:30pm) and one at the end of the day (4-4:30pm). The Principal and Director of Training gave a brief overview of IBC and the courses we have on offer. Two students, David Cameron and Emily Middleton, took part by reflecting on why they chose to study at IBC and what they thought the most enjoyable part of College life was. Dr Peter Firth whetted the appetite for study as he shared briefly on what he would be teaching that week. The prospective students asked questions of both our staff and students and the overall feeling was that it was a useful and worthwhile event. We are holding an in person Open Night at IBC on 25th March from 6.30-9pm. Due to Covid restrictions and guidelines there will be a limited number of spaces so attendees must book in advance on:
This year the College is pleased to have fifteen students hoping to graduate in May but also saddened at the huge gap they will leave behind them. Please join with us in prayer that the Lord will raise up 20 new men and women to begin the Preparation for Ministry course, beginning in September 2021, so that they will be built up and well equipped to be used in the Lord’s service. If you, or someone you know, would like to find out more about studying with us please get in touch or visit our website, Facebook or Twitter.
Even in this online world in which we find ourselves, our staff are still actively taking deputation meetings and would be delighted to visit your church and share about the work of the College. Please contact us by email at if you would like to book someone to speak at your church or event.
Finally, thank you for all of your prayers, financial support and partnership in the gospel. It’s the prayer of the Irish Baptist College that together we might “walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7).