Friends of the College Update 2024

Friends of the College Update
The teaching for the academic year 2023/2024 is complete, except for one more MTh module at the end of May. But just because the academic year is over does not mean that the College’s work is done. There is more to come…
On Wednesday 15th May at 7:30pm the Irish Baptist College Graduation will take place in Ballymena Baptist Church. While this is always a highlight in the College calendar, this year will be particularly special as we mark the end of Edwin Ewart’s tenure as Principal of the College after 17 years of faithful service. We would love for you to join us in person, but if you can’t be there in person you will be able to watch along on our livestream via YouTube.
On Tuesday 14th May the Irish Baptist Historical Society will meet at Ballynahinch Baptist Church at 5:30pm for a light tea and an address on the history of Windsor Baptist Church.
Summer School
In June the College will be launching a new venture, Summer School. This year this will be a one-day event on Monday 3rd June with John Bell, pastor of Covenanters Christian Church, Harare, Zimbabwe. During the morning John Bell will deliver two talks on the book of Zechariah, with a particular focus on preaching it. Included in the morning will be the launch of new books from the College faculty. The event is open to pastors, students, and others who regularly teach God’s Word in the context of the local church. To find out more, visit here.
Free Book
If you’ve been thinking about signing up as a Gospel Guardian but haven’t got around to doing it, now’s the time. Every new Gospel Guardian will receive a free book, Know Your Enemy by Graham Beynon. The College needs a generation of Gospel Guardians who will stand with the College and its students by donating regularly to the work. To find out more about the free book click here and to sign up to become a Gospel Guardian click here.
One constant need, not just for the College but for the Association and even the global church, is a stable flow of people preparing for gospel service through theological education. If we are to continue to see the kingdom of God extended through the means he has appointed, we must ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers for the harvest. To find out more click here!
We pray that you will know the Lord’s blessing in your continued service for Him.