Looking Backwards and Forwards Part 2

Looking Backwards and Forwards (part 2)
By Valerie Roebuck
As I look back over these past three years they have gone in with such speed. Sometimes living in the day-to-day activity of College life, home life and ministry has been busy. In all of this I have experienced God’s help getting through each term of study. I am thankful for those around me who helped get to grips with computer systems and then to understand the process of study. I have totally enjoyed College life and the consistent learning experience of getting to grips with God’s word and its message for today’s world.
Even in those tough moments, as I stand at the end of the three years at the Irish Baptist College, I would highly recommend the course. I have known the help of God and his provision for me. I am thankful to God for those in my class, family, and friends who supported and encouraged me. The team of lecturers who sought to help us get the most out of each module have been so helpful. Having time to pray, worship and fellowship together as we sought to study and learn from God’s word has been great. It has been a wonderful season of growth and I would highly recommend this course to anyone of any age wanting to grasp God’s word and serve the Lord in life.
The future right now is joining a school in Londonderry as a special needs classroom assistant. This job is for the next few months (April-June). Please pray that as I join this team, I would have opportunities to share the gospel in a real way with wisdom. The rest of my time will be spent supporting my husband who is the Pastor in Richill Park Baptist Church, and teaching the Bible class each week.
By Alan McCartney
On Monday, 6 September 2021, three years of study seemed like a long time, but as I conclude, it has passed by in a flash. The words I used to describe how I felt at the outset were excitement, fear, and trepidation!
These past three years have been a thrilling journey as I’ve walked alongside fellow believers, all of us striving to become more effective servants of our Lord. The sense of community within my class and the wider student body has been a true blessing. The interactions with staff, who generously shared their extensive practical experience, have been invaluable. The opportunity to serve alongside seasoned gospel workers through evangelism teams and within the church community during my professional placement has provided real-life opportunities to apply classroom learning, discover more about myself, and hone my gifting and skills. Above all, my focus has been on nurturing my relationship with the Lord, seeking to serve Him and His people with love and humility.
As a mature student, I initially grappled with the natural anxieties that come with significant life changes. However, these concerns quickly dissipated as I found myself in a well-structured academic environment with comprehensive orientation in the early weeks. This facilitated a seamless transition and allowed me to immerse myself fully in my studies and practical work. My class's diverse age range and backgrounds have also enriched my learning experience, offering many perspectives and insights that have broadened my understanding and deepened my faith.
The blend of academic and practical training at the Irish Baptist College gave me a worthwhile and beneficial experience that I am thankful for and will always remember fondly. Irrespective of your age, if the Lord is calling you to take time out to study or serve Him, I would encourage you to explore this further. Visit the College and talk to staff and students. If you choose to study here, be assured that our God is faithful.
The Lord led me to the Irish Baptist College, and His guidance has been a constant source of strength and assurance for my wife Carol and me during this period of preparation. He has opened a door of service for me as the Associate Pastor at Portadown Baptist Church, a role I am eagerly anticipating starting on 19 May. I trust in the Lord to use me, despite my weaknesses, for the benefit of the church and His glory.