Northern Ireland Ministry Assembly Report

Northern Ireland Ministry Assembly Report
By Josh Porter
On the first Monday in November the final year students had the opportunity to attend the opening day of the Northern Ireland Ministry Assembly (NIMA), held at Maze Presbyterian Church.
This is an annual conference which aims to help and encourage those with the responsibility to proclaim the Lord Jesus. The title of NIMA 2024 was ‘Questions for God’s people: Worship and witness in a day of small things–the message of Haggai and Malachi’.
The speakers for this year’s conference were Jonty Rhodes (Christ Church, Leeds) and Jonathan Landry Cruse (Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo, USA). Both are well-known and respected pastors and authors.
The day itself was divided into 4 one-hour teaching sessions with plenty of coffee breaks. Jonty Rhodes shared from the book of Haggai, with Jonathan Landry Cruse handling the book of Malachi.
From Haggai, we were reminded of misplaced loyalties, the danger of apathy, and Israel’s concern about themselves as opposed to the task their return from exile required—rebuilding the temple. In Haggai 2:1-9 we witnessed how they obeyed the word of God in recommencing work on the temple, but that they viewed it as small and rather unimpressive. But within this disappointment God showed his power in verse 4 “Be strong…work, for I am with you” and his purpose in verse 9 “The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former”.
In Malachi we were shown how the people had become discontent with God. They questioned God’s love and offered half-hearted worship, which led to them despise His name. We were also reminded of the importance of worship—correct worship is key—and how everything in the church will remain broken and divided until worship is fixed. Worship should bring unity.
These were important reminders for those who have been in ministry for a long-time or, like us, those who are training for ministry, as these issues still affect the church today.
It was a great experience to be able to sit under excellent Bible teaching from experienced Bible teachers, especially as Haggai and Malachi are books that tend to get overlooked within the Minor Prophets. In addition, it was valuable spending time with, and getting to know, pastors and gospel workers from different denominations and organisations we may not ordinarily meet.
I highly recommend taking time out to attend NIMA in the future.