Pray Without Ceasing: A Week of Summer Prayer 2023

After a busy academic year, the College has much to thank God for, and yet we are in need of more from him. To that end, the College invites you to join a week of summer prayer through the Pray Without Ceasing prayer diary. From Sunday 25th June through to Saturday 1st July we will pray daily for a particular item in the Pray Without Ceasing prayer diary.
While the College will populate its social media feeds with prayer requests, your church can circulate a PDF of the Pray Without Ceasing prayer diary or share social media graphics on your own feed. All of the material can be downloaded from prayer tab here. Or, if you prefer a physical copy check your church literature table or call in to the College building in Moira (9–5, Monday–Friday).
Participating can be as simple as encouraging people to pray through the diary in their own personal prayer time. Perhaps some of the prayer points could be incorporated into your public gatherings, whether Sunday services or corporate prayer meetings. There might even be space in the church calendar for a specific Irish Baptist College focussed prayer event.
Whatever way you participate, the College encourages you to both praise and petition God with us. After all, we pray to the one “who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:19).
The College community is indebted to everyone who stands with us in prayer. Indeed, we thank God for you. As you continue to stand with us, our collective prayer is that Christ might be magnified, the gospel advanced and the church strengthened.