Recognition Service Report 2024

Recognition Service Report
By Jonathan McClaughlin
The Irish Baptist College held its annual Recognition Service for the Preparation For Ministry graduating class of 2024 on Saturday 31st August 2024 at the Baptist Centre. There was a profound sense of joy and thankfulness to God as students, faculty and family members gathered to give thanks to God for His faithfulness in the lives of the students.
The tone was set as we lifted our voices to God in our opening hymn, ‘Praise my soul the King of Heaven’. Dr Dalrymple then outlined the Statement of Achievement, followed by a prayer of thanksgiving offered to God by Dr Firth.
Our day centered around the presentation of the awards to students by Dr Luke, and the ministry of the Word by our Training Director, Dr Ellison. Davy lifted our thoughts to God through the book of Jonah and managed to outline skillfully some helpful truths; namely, that we cannot , ‘out-run, out-sink, out-do, or out-love’ God. All gathered were challenged to look to God for strength in service for Him.
After the formal recognition of the students’ achievements was over, all congregated for a lunch organised by the students on what was a beautiful summer’s afternoon. The service was a time of looking back in praise to God for all that He has done through the lives of the students, but as the graduates left the building, we looked to the future, entrusting them, yet again, into His faithful care as they set out into a life of service in His Kingdom.
Please do continue to pray for our seven graduates; and, also that God would continue to raise up more men and women to Magnify Christ, Advance the Gospel and Strengthen the Church.